Content Scramble System (CSS)
For accessing the on-line inquiry form to download a copy of the CSS Procedural Specifications (or other license related documents), please click on one of the links :
Process A
Process B
Process C
A CSS License is required to use CSS technology, and to receive and/or use and/or distribute CSS enabled DVD product characterized as Schedule 1 and/or 2 product. For example, DVD CCA would consider a CSS enabled DVD chip as Schedule 1 or 2 product. Accordingly, a company must be a CSS Licensee to receive or use or distribute such product. A CSS License is not required for Schedule 3 product. Schedules 1, 2, and 3 are defined within the CSS license agreements.
A CSS License (and/or Associate License) is available through the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA). As of December 15, 1999, all of the operations and missions of CSS technology were transferred from the Interim Licensing Organization (ILO) to DVD CCA. With the formation of DVD CCA, the interim CSS License was discontinued and superseded by the final CSS License. DVD CCA had superseded the ILO in providing this service to Content Providers, Information Technology companies and Consumer Electronics companies worldwide, and as such has assumed the responsibility as Licensor of CSS technology. LMI (License Management International, LLC) is an administrative services company handling CSS license administration on behalf of DVD CCA. Neither DVD CCA nor LMI can provide legal advice or engineering services.
The Annual Administration Fee per Functional Membership License category is USD $15,500 (Associate License is USD $5,200). The flat rate fee for the appropriate technical specification is USD $500 for each set of specifications applicable to a particular license category (excludes "Authoring Studio" and "DVD Disc Replicator" technical materials). No specifications are available to Assemblers, Resellers, and Integrated Product Manufacturers.
To obtain information and licensing documents from the DVD CCA website, please begin the process by selecting one of the three links. Process A, B, and C, are simply generic paths to lead you to the applicable download page. You can choose from any of the following final CSS License processes. To help you decide which license category path may be relevant to your company's business needs, please click here to obtain additional information pertaining to the available license categories.
Next, for the CSS licensing process to begin, click on each hyperlink on the page entitled "CSS Download Area", to download the final CSS License Agreement (or Associate Agreement), Procedural Specifications, and Inquiry Sheet. The Inquiry Sheet contains application instructions and a procedural flow chart.
Process A - For Resellers and Assemblers.
- For obtaining General Information, a CSS Associate License and an Associate License Certificate use this Process. Assemblers and Reseller do not receive technical specifications.
Process B - For Content Providers, Authoring Studios, and DVD Disc Replicators.
- For obtaining Confidential Information and Highly Confidential information (for Authoring Studios, and DVD Disc Replicators only), a CSS License and a CSS License Certificate use this process.
- Authoring Studios and DVD Disc Replicators will be provided materials that enable them to receive CSS cryptographic values for use in the CSS encryption process.
- Glass Mastering houses generally select the DVD Disc Replicator category.
Process C - For CSS Disc Formatter Manufacturers, DVD Player Manufacturers, DVD Drive Manufacturers, CSS Decryption Module Manufacturers, Descrambler Manufacturers, Authenticator Module for DVD Drive, Authenticator Module for CSS Decryption Module, Verification Product Manufacturers, Integrated Products Manufacturers.
- For obtaining Confidential information and/or Highly Confidential information, a CSS License, and a CSS License Certificate use this process.